March Monthly Exercise – Loop the Loop

Loop the Loop: a simple exercise that helps you work on suppleness, flying changes and your rhythm.

Sustaining Our Confidence – Jumping

Both Orla & I have run into problems jumping both Dante & Coco in the past. We’re definitely making progress but we never stop learning when it comes to these two horses. And we can definitely say without a doubt that our confidence has been tested on a number of occasions when it came to putting these horses over a jump!

Lessons with Coco ~ Figure-of-8 Jumping Exercise

Me and Coco are finally starting to see some real progress. From our flatwork to our jumping, we’re really starting to click. Check out how we got on with Sue’s figure-of-8 jumping exercise.

Keeping them Busy & Getting the Stride Right ~ Lessons with Coco

A quick run down of mine and Coco’s second private lesson with Sue Byrne. Here we found a great way of keeping Coco focused and we worked on my ability to read a stride…