April Monthly Exercise – The Grid of Choice

Looking for a challenge? Well this month’s exercise guarantees one!

February Monthly Exercise – 6 Things to Work on Using 6 Poles

Have you ever found yourself short on poles? Well for this exercise, all you need is six poles and you can get straight to work.

Exercises to Help Build Your Horse’s Weak Hind End

So myself and Coco have been slightly AWOL the last few weeks. After my last post we were at a point where we had to strip everything back and focus on building that hind end. Check out some exercises I’ve been doing to improve Coco’s muscle development across her back and hind legs.

Coco’s First Attempt at Cross Country

While I’ve always loved cross-country, it’s definitely something I’m not rushing to get Coco schooled in. As she’s such a spooky mare, she doesn’t really deal very well in open spaces so big fields with large solid fences aren’t really going to go down too well! 

Lessons with Coco ~ Figure-of-8 Jumping Exercise

Me and Coco are finally starting to see some real progress. From our flatwork to our jumping, we’re really starting to click. Check out how we got on with Sue’s figure-of-8 jumping exercise.